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The contents include the fundamental of chemical reaction, reaction rate, material structure, life-science related organic chemistry and coordination chemistry, and so on, as well as the introduction of modern instrumental analytical methods like single crystal X-ray diffraction, chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, etc. The course is focusing on teaching the students the processes of learning knowledge of chemistry, the ideas and methods of scientific researches. The contents of this course have clear characteristic of current age and significant feature of multidiscipline cross-teaching.   7 O zBl_yR 7 enfSf[,{NHr  7 _z0Rn0Bvfvf 7yf[QHr>y 7_z eeQ Bvfvf l[ 7 nfSf[,{NHr  7 nfSf[St,{4Hr  7NSd_eI{ 7SN'Yf[QHr>y 1. Chemistry: the Central Science. (13th Ed.), Theodore L. Brown et al, Pearson Education, 2015. 2. General Chemistry Principles and Modern Applications (10th Ed.) Ralph H. Petrucci Prentice-International 2011. 3. 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